Waste Reduction District 3/10/2016
Thu, March 10, 2016
AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING ofthe MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Nat U. Hill III Meeting Room, Monroe County Courthouse Bloomington, Indiana Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:00pm 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes: February 9, 2016 3. Board ofDirectors Meeting Minutes: February 11, 2016 * 4. Payroll & Claims/Cash Flow* 5. By-Laws* 6. Resolution 2016-01- Organizational Chart, Amended* 7. Amended Controller Job Description* 8. ERI Contract* 9. Resolution 2016-02- Amend District Fees* 10. Amended Landfill/Compliance Job Description* 11. Website Redesign Contract Approval * 12. Reports from Staff 13. Citizen's Advisory Committee Report Public Comment ADJOURN * Action Items
displaying 13 results
1. | Title: Waste Reduction District 3/10/2016 | Date: Thu, March 10, 2016 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING ofthe MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Nat U. Hill III Meeting Room, Monroe County Courthouse Bloomington, Indiana Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:00pm 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes: February 9, 2016 3. Board ofDirectors Meeting Minutes: February 11, 2016 * 4. Payroll & Claims/Cash Flow* 5. By-Laws* 6. Resolution 2016-01- Organizational Chart, Amended* 7. Amended Controller Job Description* 8. ERI Contract* 9. Resolution 2016-02- Amend District Fees* 10. Amended Landfill/Compliance Job Description* 11. Website Redesign Contract Approval * 12. Reports from Staff 13. Citizen's Advisory Committee Report Public Comment ADJOURN * Action Items |
2. | Title: Monroe County Commissioners 12/11/2015 | Date: Fri, December 11, 2015 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE JUDGE NAT U. HILL III MEETING ROOM BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DECEMBER 11, 2015 9:00 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 25, 2015 V. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL AND CLAIMS November 15, 2015 through November 28, 2015 VI. REPORTS A. Monthly Report of the Clerk of Circuit Court for October 2015 B. County Treasurer’s Monthly Report for October 2015 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department and the Community Justice and Mediation Center Fund Name: JCOIT Fund Number: 1120-225 Amount: Maximum of $32,000.00 Executive Summary: The Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department recognizes the need for a systematic and evidence-based approach for rehabilitation of its adolescent clientele. The restorative justice program known as the Victim & Offender Restoration Program (“VORPâ€) has proven to reduce offender recidivism in studies replicated in various jurisdictions. This Memorandum of Understanding would fund VORP services required of juvenile offenders and their victims who wish to participate in 2016. Troy Hatfield, Probation Department B. Resolution 2015-41: Approval of Monroe County Urbanizing Area Plan Executive Summary: The Monroe County Plan Commission is requesting approval of the Monroe County Urbanizing Area Plan which amends the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate a long-range plan for the urbanizing areas immediately surrounding the City of Bloomington, including the Former Fringe and Former Areas Intended for Annexation (AIFA), in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. Approximately 36.8 square miles in this area, located in portions of Benton South, Bloomington, Clear Creek, Richland, Salt Creek, and Van Buren Townships. SEE: www.monroecountyurbanizingareaplan.com During its hearing on October 20, 2015, the Monroe County Plan Commission considered Resolution 2015-02 and voted to forward the Monroe County Urbanizing Area Plan to the Board of Commissioners of Monroe County with a favorable recommendation by a vote of 8-0. Yes: Enright, Foster, Guerrettaz, Irvine, Jones, Martin, Thomas, Wells. Larry Wilson, Planning Department C. Revisions to Health Ordinance: MCC 355, Pool Facilities to Take Affect January 1, 2016 Executive Summary: In November the Monroe County Board of Health approved changes to be made and forwarded to the County Commissioners for approval. Changes to MCC 355 changes the permit cycle from January 1 to January 31 for year-round facilities and from May 1 to April 31 for seasonal facilities. The changes also include some “cleanup†related to fees which are noted in another chapter and delete unnecessary language under operations. Penny Caudill, Administrator, Health Department D. Revisions to Health Ordinance: MCC 363, Abandoned Cisterns and Tanks, to take affect January 1, 2016 Executive Summary: In November the Monroe County Board of Health approved the requested changes be made and forwarded to the County Commissioners for approval. Changes in MCC 363 are related to abandoned cisterns and tanks and separates cisterns, tanks and wells and references their respective regulating agencies. Penny Caudill, Administrator, Health Department E. Ratification of a Contract Between the Health Department and Indiana Recovery Alliance (IRA) Executive Summary: The MCHD requests ratification of a contract between MCHD and IRA to provide syringe exchange services in Monroe County providing that the Indiana State Department of Health approves such a program in Monroe County. Penny Caudill, Administrator, Health Department F. Approval of a Contract with the Indiana State Department of Health for 2016 Funding for Immunization Program Fund Name: Immunization Fund Number: 8138 Amount: $67,378.00 Executive Summary: The MCHD received an amendment to the immuni- zation grant providing $67,378 of funding for 2016. These funds will enhance the local immunization program at the Monroe County Public Health Clinic which is part of IU Health, Bloomington, Community Health Services through contract. MCHD is requesting approval of this grant agreement amendment. Penny Caudill, Administrator, Health Department G. Monroe County Health Department and IU Health, Bloomington’s Community Health Services Division Public Health Nursing Agreement Renewal Fund Name: Health Fund Number: 1159 Amount: $151,000 Executive Summary: The Monroe County Health Department and Community Health Services has this agreement for public health nursing services on behalf of MCHD. This contract covers 2016. Penny Caudill, Administrator, Health Department H. 2016 Outdoor Warning Siren Maintenance Agreement Fund Name: EMA Budget Fund Number: 1000-361 Amount: $10,044.00 Executive Summary: This is a renewal of the Outdoor Warning Siren maintenance agreement with Mulry Electric. The contract per siren rate remains the same as the current contract with an adjustment for the four additional sirens installed during 2015. The contract will be $837 per month and include 24-hour emergency repair and annual testing and servicing of each siren. Jim Comerford, Coordinator, Emergency Management I. 2015 Homeland Security Grant Program Subrecipient Agreement Contract 14889 Fund Number: TBA Fund Number: TBA Amount: $15,129.79. Executive Summary: This is a a request for the Commissioners to approve the contract with the State for the 2015 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT for contract number 14889. The approval will allow the President of the County Commissioners to electronically sign the agreement. The grant allows for the purchase of two portable radios and purchase of GIS services for disaster damage assessment. The grant is in the amount of $15,129.79. The fund to support the grant will be created after the electronic signature process is completed. Jim Comerford, Coordinator, Emergency Management J. Kinser Pike Bridge #46 INDOT-LPA Coordination Contract, Supplement #2 Fund Name: Cumulative Bridge Fund Number: 1135-455 Amount: $2,081,160.00 Executive Summary: This supplemental agreement is between INDOT and Monroe County for additional funding for the construction of the Kinser Pike Bridge #46. We were originally awarded $1,885,040.00. The additional $196,120.00 is awarded due to increase of the constructions awarded bid. The project is 80% federally funded with a 20% local match for the project. The project is expected to begin construction the spring of 2016. Funds have been appropriated for the bridge project. Lisa Ridge, Director of Public Works K. Monroe County Highway Inventory Revisions – Acceptance of Roads Executive Summary: The Monroe County Highway Department is requesting to accept 2.36 additional miles into the county road maintenance system. All roads have been inspected and constructed according to Monroe County’s standard specifications. Lisa Ridge, Director of Public Works L. Contract with Koorsen Fire and Security – Replacement of Waterflow Switches Fund Name: Cumulative Capital Development Fund Number: 1138 Amount: $2,019.75 Executive Summary: Replaces switches that are currently failing and Causing fire alarms to go off randomly. Angie Purdie, Commissioners’ Administrator M. Contract with Koorsen Fire and Security – Five-Year Internal Sprinkler Pipe Inspections Fund Name: Cumulative Capital Development Fund Number: 1138 Amount: $2,400.00 Executive Summary: Meets National Fire Protection Association Chapter 25 Standards for the inspection, testing and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems. Provides for the inspection of all Monroe County Government water systems (Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center, Courthouse, Health Services Building, Showers Building, Highway Garage and Curry). Angie Purdie, Commissioners’ Administrator N. Contract with Koorsen Fire and Security – Fire Alarm Control Panel Fund Name: Cumulative Capital Development Fund Number: 1138 Amount: $9,341.00 Executive Summary: Fire control panel is at end of life and they are no longer making new parts for this unit. Contract provides for the training, installation and five-year hardware warranty. Angie Purdie, Commissioners’ Administrator O. Contract with Monroe County Solid Waste District, Green Business Network for Youth Services Building Fund Name: COIT-YSB Fund Number: 1120 Amount: $400.00 Executive Summary: Provide biweekly pick up of recyclable materials. The total cost if $400 for 12 months of service. Angie Purdie, Commissioners’ Administrator P. Contract with Monroe County Solid Waste Management District, Green Business Network Fund Name: County Buildings Fund Number: 1000-161 Amount: $2,800.00 Executive Summary: The Monroe County Solid Waste Management District will provide removal of recyclable materials from the following buildings: Courthouse ($800); Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center ($800); Showers Building ($800); and the Health Building ($400); for a total annual cost of $2,800.00. Angie Purdie, Commissioners’ Administrator VIII. APPOINTMENTS IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT |
3. | Title: Bloomington City Council 12/2/2015 | Date: Wed, December 2, 2015 | Meeting Type: City | View > | NOTICE AND AGENDA BLOOMINGTON COMMON COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 7:30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 02, 2015 COUNCIL CHAMBERS SHOWERS BUILDING, 401 N. MORTON ST. I. REGULAR SESSION II. ROLL CALL III. AGENDA SUMMATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR: Regular Session May 07, 2014 September 03, 2014 September 17, 2014 October 29, 2014 November 18, 2015 Special Session July 09, 2014 IV. REPORTS (A maximum of twenty minutes is set aside for each part of this section.) 1. Councilmembers 2. The Mayor and City Offices 3. Council Committees 4. Public* V. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS LEGISLATION FOR SECOND READING AND RESOLUTIONS 1. Appropriation Ordinance 15-06 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Rental Inspection Program Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Various Transfers of Funds within the General Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Alternative Transportation Fund; and, Appropriating Additional Funds from the Municipal Arts Fund, Risk Management Fund, BMFC Showers Bond, Parking Facilities, Police Pension, and Rental Inspection Program Fund) Committee Recommendation: Do Pass 8-0-1 2. Ordinance 15-25 To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled “Historic Preservation and Protection†to Establish a Historic District – Re: Courthouse Square Historic District (Bloomington Historic Preservation Commissioner, Petitioner) Committee Recommendation: Do Pass 9-0-0 VII. LEGISLATION FOR FIRST READING 1. Ordinance 15-26 To Amend Title 20 (Unified Development Ordinance) of the Bloomington Municipal Code - Re: Amending 20.05.020 (“CF-01 [Communication Facility- General]â€) and 20.09.320 (“Surety standards – Performance suretyâ€) to Reflect Changes in State Law; Revising the Definition of “Fraternity/Sorority House,†and Correcting Minor Errors * Members of the public may speak on matters of community concern not listed on the agenda at one of the two Reports from the Public opportunities. Citizens may speak at one of these periods, but not both. Speakers are allowed five minutes; this time allotment may be reduced by the presiding officer if numerous people wish to speak. |
4. | Title: Bloomington City Council 11/18/2015 | Date: Wed, November 18, 2015 | Meeting Type: City | View > | NOTICE AND AGENDA BLOOMINGTON COMMON COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 7:30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 COUNCIL CHAMBERS SHOWERS BUILDING, 401 N. MORTON ST. REGULAR SESSION I. ROLL CALL II. AGENDA SUMMATION III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR: Regular Session May 21, 2014 October 15, 2014 November, 04, 2015 IV. REPORTS (A maximum of twenty minutes is set aside for each part of this section.) 1. Councilmembers 2. The Mayor and City Offices 3. Council Committees 4. Public* V. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS VI. LEGISLATION FOR SECOND READING AND RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinance 15-24 To Amend the Bloomington Zoning Maps for Two Hundred and Seventy-One Parcels Throughout the City's Jurisdiction (The City of Bloomington, Petitioner) Committee Recommendation: Do Pass 7-0-0 VII. LEGISLATION FOR FIRST READING 1. App Ord 15-06 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Rental Inspection Program Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Various Transfers of Funds within the General Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Alternative Transportation Fund; and, Appropriating Additional Funds from the Municipal Arts Fund, Risk Management Fund, BMFC Showers Bond, Parking Facilities, Police Pension, and Rental Inspection Program Fund) 2. Ordinance 15-25 To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled “Historic Preservation and Protection†to Establish a Historic District – Re: Courthouse Square Historic District (Bloomington Historic Preservation Commissioner, Petitioner) VIII. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENT* (A maximum of twenty-five minutes is set aside for this section.) IX. COUNCIL SCHEDULE • 2016 Annual Council Schedule X. ADJOURNMENT To be immediately followed by COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Chair: Steve Volan 1. App Ord 15-06 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Risk Management Fund, and Rental Inspection Program Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Various Transfers of Funds within the General Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Alternative Transportation Fund; and, Appropriating Additional Funds from the Municipal Arts Fund, Risk Management Fund, BMFC Showers Bond, Parking Facilities, Police Pension, and Rental Inspection Program Fund) Asked to Attend: Jeffrey Underwood, Controller 2. Ordinance 15-25 To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled “Historic Preservation and Protection†to Establish a Historic District – Re: Courthouse Square Historic District (Bloomington Historic Preservation Commissioner, Petitioner) Asked to Attend: Bethany Emenhiser, Program Manager, Housing and Neighborhood Development Lisa Abbott, Director of Housing and Neighborhood Development * Members of the public may speak on matters of community concern not listed on the agenda at one of the two Reports from the Public opportunities. Citizens may speak at one of these periods, but not both. Speakers are allowed five minutes; this time allotment may be reduced by the presiding officer if numerous people wish to speak. |
5. | Title: Waste Reduction District 6/18/2015 | Date: Thu, June 18, 2015 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | The Monroe County Solid Waste Management District Board and Community Advisory Committee joint session. |
6. | Title: Monroe County Council 6/9/2015 | Date: Tue, June 9, 2015 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | MONROE COUNTY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR SESSION Nat U Hill III Meeting Room Monroe County Courthouse 100 W Kirkwood Avenue Bloomington, IN 47401 JUNE 9, 2015 at 5:30 PM Cheryl Munson, President Shelli Yoder, Vice President Ryan Cobine Rick Dietz MartyHawk Lee Jones Geoff McKim R. Michael Flory, Council Attorney 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. DEPARTMENT UPDATES Nancy Richman – Volunteers in Medicine Update Linda Brady – Probation Office Judy Sharp – Legislative Updates 5. ASSESSOR’S DEPARTMENT, Judy Sharp A. Request Approval to Amend Title and Changes in Job Duties i. 10.0003 First Deputy/GIS Specialist to First Deputy/GIS Assessment Specialist ii. 10.0007 Personal Property Specialist to Personal Property Assessment Specialist iii. 10.0006 Reassessment Specialist to Real Estate Reassessment Specialist iv. 10.0004 Second Deputy/Residential Property Specialist to Deputy-Reassessment Property Specialist v. 10.0005 Third Deputy/Admin Assist to PTABOA to Administrative Assistant to the PTABOA B. Request Approval to Amend 2015 Salary Ordinance FROM: TO: i. 10.0003 First Deputy/GIS Specialist First Deputy/GIS Assessment Specialist ii. 10.0007 Personal Property Specialist Personal Property Assessment Specialist iii. 10.0006 Reassessment Specialist Real Estate Reassessment Specialist iv. 10.0004 Second Deputy/Residential Property Specialist Deputy-Reassessment Property Specialist C. Request Approval to Amend 2015 Salary Ordinance FROM: 10.0005 Third Deputy/Admin Assist to PTABOA COMOT III 35 hrs Midpoint $29,575.00 TO: 10.0005 Administrative Assistant to the PTABOA COMOT IV 35 hrs Midpoint $32,047.00 6. PROBATION DEPARTMENT, Linda Brady A. Request Approval of a Category Transfer within Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) Funds B. Request Approval for Creation of New Budget Line FUND 9110-000, COMMUNITY SUPERVISION GRANT 30.0005 Transitional Housing Fund C. Request Approval for Creation of New Fund with Budget Lines and Simultaneous Additional Appropriations FUND 9123-001, JDAI (Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative) D. Request Approval to Amend 2015 Salary Ordinance FUND 1122-004, COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS GRANT 2015-2016 FUND 2510-000, USER FEES – PROJECT INCOME/JOB RELEASE 7. PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE, Chris Gaal A. Request to Establish a New Fund and Budget Lines FUND 8131-016, ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES B. Request Approval of a Category Transfer within Adult Protective Services Funds FUND 8131-015, ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES FROM: 20.0001 Supplies $52.95 TO: 12.7801 Part-Time Hourly $52.95 8. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT, Brad Swain Request Approval to Amended Job Descriptions A. 10.0063 Administrative Coord/Payroll to Office Manager B. 10.0003 Captain/Detective to Captain of Operations C. Request Approval to Amend 2015 Salary Ordinance FROM: 10.0063 Administrative Coordinator/Payroll COMOT IV 35 hrs Supervisor $35,039.00 TO: 10.0063 Office Manager PAT II 35 hrs Midpoint $35,793.00 D. Request Approval to Amend 2015 Salary Ordinance FROM: 10.0003 Captain/Detective TO: 10.0003 Captain of Operations 9. LEGAL, David Schilling Request for Approval for Additional Appropriations FUND 1000-277 10. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, Larry Barker A. Request for Approval for Additional Appropriations FUND 1000, GENERAL OPERATING FUND B. Request for Approval for Additional Appropriations FUND 1000, GENERAL OPERATING FUND 11. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, Angie Purdie Request for Approval for Additional Appropriations FUND 4904-000, BUILDING PRESERVATION 12. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, Bill Williams Request Approval for Creation of New Budget Lines and Simultaneous Additional Appropriations FUND 1169-450, LOCAL ROAD AND STREET 12. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, Bill Williams Request Approval for Creation of New Budget Lines and Simultaneous Additional Appropriations FUND 1169-450, LOCAL ROAD AND STREET 13. YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU, Kim Meyer A. Request Approval for Creation of New Budget Lines and Simultaneous Additional Appropriations FUND 9111-003, 1503 YSB Grant B. Request Approval for Creation of New Budget Lines and Simultaneous Additional Appropriations. FUND 9103-003, SAFE PLACE GRANT 14. RECORDER’S DEPARTMENT, Eric Schmitz Request Approval to Amended Job Descriptions for Deputy Recorder Positions Deputy Recorder 15. TECHNICAL SERVICES, Eric Evans Request to Amend 2015 Salary Ordinance FUND 1138-000, CUMULATIVE CAPITAL 16. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Penny Caudill Request Approval to Amended Job Description of the Sr. Environmental Health Specialist 10.0017 Senior Environmental Health Specialist 17. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 10, 2015 September 17, 2014 Budget Session September 30, 2014 Budget Session 18. ADJOURNMENT For a complete agenda visit http://www.co.monroe.in.us/TSD/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Download.aspx?TabID=140&Command=Core_Download&EntryId=33144&PortalId=0&TabId=140 |
7. | Title: Waste Reduction District 5/14/2015 | Date: Thu, May 14, 2015 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S MEETING ofthe MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Nat U. Hill III Meeting Room, Monroe County Courthouse Bloomington, Indiana Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:00pm CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval ofMinutes -April 9, 2015 2. Controller's Report- Payroll, Claims & Cash Flow 3. Resolution 2015-04- Additional Appropriations 4. Resolution 2015-05- Budget Transfers 5. Resolution 2015-06- Pre-Approved Vendors 6. Approval for RFP for Roll-Off Truck Lease 7. M R F - RFP for Equipment 8. MRF-RFPforErectionofBuilding 9. Reports from Staff 10. Citizen's Advisory Committee Report 11. Public Comment ADJOURN |
8. | Title: Monroe County Board of Zoning Appeals 1/7/2015 | Date: Wed, January 7, 2015 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | AGENDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (BZA) Judge Nat U. Hill III Meeting Room, 100 West Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 January 7th, 2015 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INTRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 5, 2014 OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 1. 1410-V AR-49 1410-V AR-50 Reva Deckard Minimum Lot Size Variance to Chapter 804 Reva Deckard Minimum Lot Width Variance to Chapter 804 Three (3) parcels on 1.00 +/- acre located in Clear Creek Township, Section 31 at 9998 S Bennett Ln. Zoned AG/RR. 2. 1411-VAR-51 Robertson Sample Minimum Lot Size Variance to Chapter 804 One (1) parcel on 1.73 +/- acres located in Washington Township, Section 33 at 280 E Sample Rd. Zoned AG/RR. 3.1412-V AR-52 1412-V AR-53 1412-VAR-54 Monroe County Solid Waste Management District Conditions Pertaining to Central Garbage Facilities Variance to Chapter 802 Off Street Parking and Loading Variance to Chapter 806 Landscaping Variance to Chapter 830 One (1) parcel on 38.88 +/- acres located in Washington Township, Section 24 at 7740 N Fish Rd. Zoned IP. REPORTS: 1. Planning: Larry Wilson 2. County Attorney: David Schilling Said hearing will be held in accordance with the provisions of: IC 36-7-4-100 et seq.; & the County Code, Zoning Ordinance, and the Rules of the Board of Zoning Appeals of Monroe County, IN. All persons affected by said proposals may be heard at this time, & the hearing may be continued as necessary. |
9. | Title: CATSweek 1/24/2014 | Date: Fri, January 24, 2014 | Meeting Type: Unknown | View > | A summary of recent meetings held by the Monroe County Plan Commission, the County Solid Waste Management District's Board of Directors, and the Richland Bean Blossom School Board. |
10. | Title: CATSweek 4/19/2013 | Date: Fri, April 19, 2013 | Meeting Type: Unknown | View > | A summary of recent meetings held by the Bloomington City Council, the Monroe County Public Library's Board of Trustees, the Richland Bean Blossom School Board, the County Storm Water Management Board, the County Solid Waste District's Board of Trustees and that District's Citizens Advisory Committee. |
11. | Title: CATSweek 3/29/2013 | Date: Fri, March 29, 2013 | Meeting Type: Unknown | View > | A summary of recent meetings held by the Monroe County Commission, the County Stormwater Management Board, the Bloomington Board of Parks Commissioners, Bloomington Board of Zoning Appeals, the city Board of Public Works, the city Utilities Service Board, the Ellettsville Town Council, the Monroe County Community School Board, the County Public Library's Board of Trustees, the Monroe County Solid Waste District's Board of Directors, and the Solid Waste District's Citizens Advisory Committee. |
12. | Title: Monroe County Council 11/13/2012 | Date: Tue, November 13, 2012 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | Monroe County Council NOVEMBER 13, 2012 5:30P.M. REGULAR SESSION MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE NAT U HILL MEETING ROOM 100 W. KIRKWOOD AVENUE BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. DEPARTMENT UPDATES Page 10 V. MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, Larry Barker Request for Approval of Ordinance No. 2012-40: "An Ordinance ofthe County Council of Monroe County, Indiana Appropriating the Proceeds ofthe Solid Waste ManagementDistrictRefundingBondsof2012" (FIRSTREADING) VI. COURTS, Bonnie Austin Page 12 Request for Approval of Amendment of 2013 Salary Ordinance 8122-000 IV-D Parenting Time Grant 12.7801 Hourly Presentsalary: 0 RequestedSalary: $18/hr. VII. COMMISSIONERS, Jason Carnes Pp 13-14 RequestforApprovalofResolution2012-31: "AResolutionDirectingthe Distribution of Income from the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County" VIII. COMMISSIONERS, Jeff Cockerill Page 15 A. Request for Approval of Resolution 2012-33: A Resolution Approving the Purchase of the Johnson Hardware Building" Pp 16-17 B. Request for Approval of Creation of a New Budget Line and Simultaneously Approve an Additional Appropriation 1000-068 Countv General/Commissioners 40.0001 Buildings $1,050,000.00 C. Request for Approval of Resolution Pledging County's Financial Support for the Proposed Unified Emergency Dispatch Facility IX. PROSECUTOR, Chris Gaal A. Request for Approval of Transfer of Funds B. i. Request for Approval of Creation of New Fund and Budget Lines and Simultaneously Appropriate the following funds: 8123-000 STOP Grant Fund ii. Request for Approval of Amendment of2013 Salary Ordinance 8123-000 STOP Grant Fund C. i. Request for Approval of Creation of New Fund and Budget Lines and Simultaneously Appropriate the following funds: 8121-000 VOCA Grant Fund ii. Request for Approval of Amendment of 2013 Salary Ordinance 8121-000 VOCA Grant Fund X. CLERK, Linda Robbins Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-010 County General/Voter Registration XI. SHERIFF/CORRECTIONAL CENTER, James L. Kennedy Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-380 Countv General/Correctional Center XII. TREASURER, Cathy Smith A. Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-003 County General/Treasurer B. Request for Approval of Transfer of Funds 1000-003 County General/Treasurer XIII. MONROE COUNTY P ARKS AND RECREA TION, Chuck Stephenson Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-803 County General/Parks and Recreation XIV. PUBLIC DEFENDER, Michael Hunt A. Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-271 County General/Public Defender B. Request for Approval of Transfer Funds From: 1000-271-10.7801 Hourly 1000-271-10.0018 Paralegal To: 1000-271-30.001 Special Services XV. COUNCIL, Councilor Julie Thomas RequestforApprovalofResolution2012-32: "AResolutiontoAmendResolution 2006-42 Which Established the Fleet Financing Subcommittee, to Establish a Joint FleetFinancingCommittee: AStandingJointCommitteeoftheMonroeCounty Council and the Monroe County Board of Commissioners" XVI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL SESSIONS HELD ON OCTOBER 9, 2012; Regular Session and Budget Session, OCTOBER 10, 2012; XVII. COUNCIL COMMENTS |
13. | Title: Monroe County Council 9/11/2012 | Date: Tue, September 11, 2012 | Meeting Type: Monroe | View > | MONROE COUNTY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 5:30 P.M. COURT ROOM 213 CHARLOTTE T. ZIETLOW JUSTICE BUILDING 301 N. COLLEGE AVE. BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. PUBLIC COMMENT IV. DEPARTMENT UPDATES ~This portion of the meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.~ V. Non-Binding Review of Budgets of Units of Monroe County, Indiana. ##### VI. PLANNING DEPARTMENT, Larry Wilson ........................... Page 5 Request to Amend 2012 Salary Ordinance Changing the Assistant Director Position form SO-35 to SO-40 with Salary Increase [2nd Reading] VII. TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT, James Pope ........... Page 14 1138-000 Cum Cap A. Request for Approval of Creation of New Budget Line 10.0001 Chief Technology Officer/Director B. Request for Approval of Amendment of 2012 Salary Ordinance [2nd Reading] 1138-000 Cum Cap Position # & Name Present Salary Requested Salary 10.0001 Chief Technology Officer/Director -0- $ 62,900.00 VIII. LEGAL DEPARTMENT, David Schilling, County Attorney ........... Page 26 Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-277 Legal Department 10.0007 County Attorney III $ 803.43 IX. MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, Larry Barker ............................................................. Page 27 Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 8210-000 Monroe County Solid Waste Management District 1000-05-30-43933 Hazardous Household Waste $ 30,000.00 X. CORONER, Nicole Meyer ........................................... Page 30 Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation 1000-007 Coroner 30.0005 Autopsies $ 80,000.00 XI. COMMISSIONERS, Steve Malone, CARES Board ............. Page 32 Request for Approval of Appropriation 4606-000 Drug Free Community 30.0099 Co. Drug Free Community, CARES Council $ 3,000.00 XII. CLERK’S OFFICE, Linda Robbins ................................ Page 34 A. Request for Approval of Creation of New Budget Line 1000-010 Voter Registration 40.0001 Equipment B. Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation ........ Page 36 1000-062 Election Board 12.7801 Hourly/Clerical 30.0006 Ballots $ 136,621.00 23,168.00 $ 157,789.00 XIII. AVIATION, Bruce Payton ........................................... Page 40 4801-331 Construction Fund A. Request for Approval of Creation of a New Budget Line 40.0020 Preliminary Design/Sinkhole Repair/RWY Overlay Project B. Request for Approval of Additional Appropriation ........ Page 42 40.0020 Preliminary Design/Sinkhole Repair/ RWY Overlay Project $ 90,000.00 XIV. COUNCIL, Michael Flory, Council Attorney ..................... Page 43 A. Request for Approval of Ordinance 2012-32: An Ordinance Establishing and Funding the State-Established Monroe County COIT Fund, Fund 1121-000 B. Request to Transfer Specific Funds to Fund 1121-000 County COIT i. 1000-225 Clerk ii. 1000-005 Sheriff iii. 1000-003 Treasurer iv. 1000-308 Weights and Measures C. Request for Approval of Creation of New Budget Line ... Page 44 D. Request for Approval of Transfer of Funds from the ..... Page 45 Rainy Day Fund to Monroe County COIT Fund. XV. Council Appointment XVI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL SESSION HELD ON AUGUST 14, 2012. XVII. COUNCIL COMMENTS |